July 6, 2022

Attention startups! Get to market more quickly and efficiently using low-code

There’s no better tool to unlock the entrepreneurial spirit than low-code. 

Gartner predicts that 65% of all app development will be low-code by 2024. Couple that with the unprecedented rise in new companies and VC investments for startups, and we’ve got a formula for achieving economic prosperity at scale.

Here are the four major advantages low-code can bring to your startup.

  1. Speed to market
  2. Low cost
  3. Longevity
  4. Integrations galore

Now let’s break it down one by one.

  1. Low-code will accelerate your go-to-market strategy

Startup speed and startup survival go hand-in-hand. The best startups execute faster than everyone else. Move quickly to secure market share, maximize your product development, and attract early investors.

Low-code platforms provide developers with building blocks that help them work quickly. These time-saving tools turn workflows into modular blocks that are easy to modify and update.

But don’t take our word for it. Statista crunched the numbers and found that 58% of respondents found that low-code platforms accelerated their production cycle by 40% or more.

Low-code platforms tend to be easy to learn. In just a matter of days, technical teams can get up to speed and build simple features. Within weeks, they can be pros. We see this all the time with our clients at Slingr. 

“If you have your own developers, it just takes a few days to learn the basics to create a functional app,” says Slingr CTO Diego Gaviola. “Then, of course, there are small tricks that you learn along the way that make building an app even quicker. But within a week or so, typically developers are already able to build features for Slingr apps.”

To accelerate development even further, you can also find top talent to lend a hand. At Slingr, for instance, we even offer dedicated teams of developers to build your product.

  1. Low-code is low cost

Custom software projects run somewhere between $50,000 and $250,000, according to research from Soltech. Design, integrations with other systems, data migration – it all takes time and money.

Custom coding projects are not only significantly more expensive at the outset. They also have a tendency to grow in size and scope over time, costing startups precious profit along the way. 

But startups need to be lean, mean, innovating machines. For projects where every penny counts, low-code is going to be your best bet.

Developing using a low-code platform costs a fraction of custom development. If your bench is already stacked with some tech wizards, it can be as inexpensive as simply securing a subscription to a low-code platform of your choice. Equally, you could always speed up the timeline by working with one of the platform’s pros.

Don’t get bogged down by ever-expanding custom coding projects. Using low-code, you pay for access to the service – plus potentially some professional help along the way. That all pales in comparison to the costs of a traditional custom development process.

  1. When you build using low code, you build to last

Pivots are natural for startups. The market changes. You discover new opportunities. Your investor gets cold feet (ok, well hopefully that won’t happen).

Pivot-proof your startup by going low-code.

“With low-code, you’re not building an MVP that you’ll eventually need to throw away,” notes Gaviola. “You’ll be able to evolve your app and change it to match your needs.”

This is especially true with Slingr, since we don’t use any boilerplate configurations. That means on our platform, you don’t need to update a litany of pages whenever you want to make one teeny-weeny change.

When you’re building your product, you better be ready to scale up. (We promise, it happens sooner than you’d expect!) Apps built on low-code platforms like Slingr can scale when your data load goes through the roof. All the while, we’ll make sure that your platform is secure and able to be monitored and audited at any time. You know, the important stuff. In Gaviola’s technical terms: “Slingr is not just for toy apps!”

  1. Low-code lets you integrate to your heart’s content

The luxury of low-code lies in its interoperability. “Interopera-what?...” you might ask. No, our mouths are not full of marbles. What we mean is that low-code platforms are perfect for integrating other cloud services into.

“As a startup, you don’t want to create everything yourself,” explains Gaviola. “You want to leverage other industry-standard tools.” Think of things like CRM software, payment platforms, and productivity tools. 

Low-code lets you tie any and all of these tools into your app. “That way you can focus on the core of your business,” notes Gaviola. “If you need additional features, you can lean on other tools.”

Low-code platforms mean that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel each time you need another integration. Feel free to plug and play with all the apps you need as your business grows.

Slingr is the ultimate low-code platform for startups

OK, we’re biased. But hear us out. 

At Slingr, we give you web app development that is fast, flexible, and future-proof.

The possibilities are endless with Slingr, but internal apps are really where we shine. Our UI is next level when it comes to reliability. You can easily respond to any changes. We play well with all your favorite internal systems and data.

With Slingr’s low-code development platform, the road to a minimal viable product has never been shorter. We also make it easier for your IT department to maintain and monitor your application. 

And no need to worry about access to talent. Our top-notch developers are locked and loaded – ready to build your app efficiently and effectively. We price on a per developer basis, so you only pay for as few or as many coders as your project needs. No BS!

Ready to join the low-code revolution with Slingr? Read more, or get in touch to learn how Slingr can supercharge your startup’s growth.

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