February 2, 2023

What are the most important features in a modern laboratory information management system (LIMS)?

A laboratory information management system (LIMS) is like the brains of the laboratory – it helps to keep everything running smoothly and efficiently. But just like our own brains, a LIMS needs to keep up with the times and be able to handle all the modern-day challenges that come its way.

Slingr Labs gives customers the power to connect and manage their data via automation, enable system modifications to meet the growing needs of modern laboratories, and ensures strong security with a gold-standard level of privacy, in an easier, and more affordable package. 

“In an industry as mission-critical as healthcare, you cannot afford for systems to fail when they’re needed most, and especially not because of the incompatibility of software to the modern world,” says Grace Schroeder, founder and CEO of Slingr. 

So what are the most important features in a modern LIMS? Here are a few to consider:

  1. A robust sample management system. This includes the ability to track samples from the moment they are received in the lab until they are disposed of or archived. It should also be able to manage sample processing, including the creation of sample chains of custody, assigning samples to specific users or instruments, and recording the results of any tests or analyses.
  1. The ability to handle a wide range of data types and formats from multiple instruments and devices. This includes everything from traditional numeric data to images, spectra, and other complex data types. The LIMS should also be able to handle data from a variety of instruments and devices, including chromatographs, mass spectrometers, and microscopes. It should also be able to integrate with other systems, such as electronic lab notebooks or enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, to ensure that all relevant data is captured and managed.
  1. Regulatory compliance. This includes the ability to generate reports and documents that meet the requirements of regulatory agencies, as well as the ability to track and manage user training, certifications, and approvals. It should also have features that help to ensure data integrity, such as data validation checks, audit trails, and electronic signatures.
  1. Workflow and process management. This includes the ability to create and manage protocols and standard operating procedures (SOPs), as well as the ability to track and manage the progress of different projects and tasks. It should also have features that help to streamline communication and collaboration, such as document sharing, task assignments, and real-time notifications.

And that's not all – modern LIMS can also offer custom reporting, data analysis and visualization, and integration with other systems and tools. Some even have advanced features like machine learning or AI to take things to the next level.

So if you're running potency tests on the latest cannabis product or trying to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of Covid testing, don't let your lab fall behind. Let Slingr Labs help you streamline your testing processes from start to finish with their low-code LIMS solution. 

To find out more about how Slingr Labs can bring you up to speed, contact us here.

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