February 3, 2023

What is the best go-to-market plan for a low-code platform?

At Slingr, we know that the core of any startup is the product or service that has had all that hard work and long hours poured into it. But in order to bring it to market, there is also a fair bit more that goes on behind the scenes. 

One of those things is a solid go-to-market plan (GTM), which outlines how a company will introduce and sell a new product or service to its target market. A solid strategy includes identifying target customers, setting pricing, determining distribution channels, and creating marketing and sales campaigns.

When it comes to low-code platforms, like the software itself, it needs to be future-proof. And, the best GTM strategy should focus on highlighting the benefits specific to low-code and demonstrating how it can save time, money, and resources for businesses.

“If I really whip out my crystal ball and look longer term, I think companies will start to buy low-code platforms in order to competitively differentiate themselves and accelerate their technical interactions with their customers beyond what their competitors might be able to do,” says Grace Schroeder, Slingr founder and CEO. 

Here are some key elements to consider when creating a GTM plan for a low-code platform:

  1. Identify your target customers: The first step in any GTM plan is to identify your target customers. For a low-code platform, this could include small to medium-sized businesses, startups, or even larger enterprises looking to streamline their development process. It’s important to understand the specific needs and challenges of your target customers, as this will help you tailor your marketing and sales efforts to better meet their needs.
  1. Determine pricing: Once you’ve identified your target customers, it’s important to determine pricing for your low-code platform. This should be based on the value your platform provides to customers, as well as the competition in the market. It’s also a good idea to offer different pricing tiers or packages to cater to different customer needs and budgets.
  1. Choose distribution channels: The next step is to decide how you will reach your target customers and deliver your low-code platform to them. This could include using online marketplaces like the App Store or Google Play, selling directly to customers through your own website, or using a combination of both. It’s important to consider the pros and cons of each channel and choose the ones that make the most sense for your business.
  1. Create marketing and sales campaigns: Once you’ve identified your target customers, determined pricing, and chosen distribution channels, it’s time to start marketing and selling your low-code platform. This could include creating marketing campaigns on social media, running paid search and display ads, and using email marketing to reach potential customers. It’s also important to consider offering demos or free trials to allow potential customers to test out your platform before making a purchase.
  1. Build partnerships: Building partnerships with complementary businesses can be a great way to reach new customers and expand your reach. For example, if you offer a low-code platform for building mobile apps, you could partner with a company that provides app design services to offer a complete solution to your customers.
  1. Focus on customer success: Finally, it’s important to focus on customer success and support once your low-code platform is on the market. This could include offering training, documentation, and technical support to help customers get the most out of your platform. By prioritizing customer success, you can increase customer retention and build a positive reputation for your business.

Overall, the best GTM plan for a low-code platform should focus on identifying and targeting the right customers, determining pricing and distribution channels, and creating marketing and sales campaigns that effectively showcase the benefits of your platform. By focusing on customer success and building partnerships, you can set your low-code platform up for success in the market.

Slingr is the ultimate place to come for low-code platforms. At Slingr, we give you web app development that is fast, flexible, and future-proof.

Interested in learning more about how Slingr can help your startup smash its next product release or service launch? Get in touch now or book a meeting here.

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